I'm heading up Big Cottonwood today to hike to Sunset Peak. That was my goal a couple of weeks ago but I got stopped by snow (and a lack of trail) just passed Lake Martha. Can't say the snow will all be melted today but there definitely should be less.
Trailhead was 48 degrees at 8:45am. A little chilly when the sun disappeared behind the clouds but with the sun out it was perfect - helps to be climbing a steep grade too :)
Chipmunks are scurrying around this morning as are the ground squirrels. The Avalanche Lilies have faded in all but a few spots. Mostly the same flowers the slope except I find a wonderful Green Gentian. It stands about 3-4ft tall -- not sure why they call it Green Gentian because the flowers are purple & white.
Find those Police Car Moth caterpillars on the bluebells.
The higher I get, I find more yellow buttercups. And still higher red paintbrush.
There's a chipmunk on the trail with a mouthful of dead leaves or perhaps pine cone parts.
I get to Lake Mary expecting to find a crowd of people - the parking lot had a bunch of cars -- but only one family. Guess everyone else must be heading to Catherine Pass as am I.
I get pass Lake Mary and head to Lake Martha -- haven't run into many people yet on the trail.
I get to Lake Martha and check it out from the trail looking for any moose that may be around -- nothing.
The snow between Lake Martha and my stopping point last time is pretty much gone. Some does remain on a portion of the trail but I can get by on the trail.
Well I find my stopping point, it's still a pile of snow. And I find the trail - boy, am I glad I didn't continue that day because I would be blazing my own trail to who knows where - whew! The actual trail, instead of heading straight, wraps back around heading up and above Lake Martha.
There still is some snow in spots on the trail but people have clearly been across. I'm getting higher but I can still see the mountains behind Lake Mary and Martha. And at one point are looking down on both lakes.
I finally am entering Catherine Lakes area. (~9900ft) Mountains all around. Its really wet here and there are lots of White Marsh Marigold (saw these plants down by Dog Lake 2 weeks ago). And there's still snow in shadier spots.
I take a very wet spur trail down to Catherine Lake for a look. And then back thru the wet (and Marsh Marigolds) to the trail heading up towards the Pass. I can see Sunset Peak and there are people standing on top.
Heading back uphill to the Pass (approximately 300ft higher - 10,240ft).
I notice something little flying and it stops on the trail in front of me -- it's a lime green 'Alpine' Sheridan's Hairstreak!!!
It's a "lifer" for me! Luckily, there is no one coming down or up the trail so I can take my time looking at it - this is exciting!
I continue up to the Pass for wonderful views down on Catherine Lake.
It's really windy up there (and cool). I'm debating on whether to keep going to Sunset Peak or head down. I decide to go to Sunset Pass. It's only 0.3 miles and a little uphill. I've been to the Pass last year - I'm going again.
After a short rocky climb, the trail becomes sandy (and still uphill). I can see new mountain peaks to the south.
To the north, a beautiful view of Catherine Lakes (and Lake Mary in the background).
I see lots of low growing masses of Spiny Phlox.
I get to Sunset Pass and the views are incredible!
Sulpher Paintbrush is in bloom up here.
Instead of continuing down the trail to Sunset Peak, I turn right and walk on a portion of the Great Western Trail for a bit until it heads downhill; this is a perfect place/view for lunch.
Time to head back down.
As I turn the corner on the last stretch to Catherine's Pass, there are at least 20 people sitting at the Pass -- boy, I'm glad I started my hike relatively early.
I'm following an older couple down towards the lake. They stop and tell me that he just saw a fox go under the rocks. I'm thinking about staying to wait for it to come out but continue pass the couple. I look back and see that its really a marmot -- not as cool as a fox but still cool.
I see a small butterfly land on the trail -- he's mostly black with white marking. I'm really exciting because at my altitude, it's either a Grizzled Skipper or Two-banded Skipper. I don't have a good angle of it but snap a photo anyway because I have the couple just behind me and 3 folks coming up the trail.
I try to move forward for a better view and he spooks. I couldn't follow his flight. This is a "lifer" for me as well regardless of what it is. Unfortunately, I don't have a clear enough photo to ever say which species he is. :( But still exciting! (Just means I need to go back.)
So I continue down. Lots of folks coming up now. And lots of folks down at Lake Mary.
There a footbridge that cross a small stream just before the turn-off to Dog Lake. Just before I get there, I see a large brown furry animal with a long tail crossing from the stream on one side of the bridge to the other. I'm watching it as it continues up stream. He's in the Weasel family.
I decide to take a quick detour to Dog Lake. All the Marsh Marigold are gone (bloomed out). Just waiting for the summer flower bloom to begin.
Fantastic Day!!
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